• kgsc@kghospital.com
  • +91 80980 22226


ER Chronicles

Case 1

  • 60 year male came with C/O Fever and decreased response since 1 day. The patient was having an infected right foot ulcer.
  • Vitals: HR210, SPO2-86% in RA, BP-90/60,T-101 f. Patient had Ventricular tachycardia (VT) and he received synchronized cardioversion (100J) immediately and his VT reverted to sinus rhythm. He was treated with IV Fluids and was given antipyretics and shifted to KG Hospital for further management.

Case 2

  • 35 year female came with severe abdominal pain & vomiting was treated with analgesics &IV Fluids.
  • Initial investigations sent in our hospital were suggestive of Acute pancreatitis.
  • The patient was shifted to KG Hospital for a gastroenterology opinion, where she was diagnosed with acute biliary pancreatitis with cholangitis.
  • She underwent cholecystectomy and improved symptomatically.

Case 3

  • 54 year male k/c/o hypertension came with C/O abdominal pain, vomiting &loose stools.
  • He was treated from outside the hospital for acute gastroenteritis for the above complaints.
  • The initial investigation done in our center showed Sr.Cr- 4.8, and urine showed RBC-s.
  • CT-KUB done here was showing B/L multiple ureteric calculi with CASE 4 B/L gross HUN. The patient was shifted to KG Hospital for a urologist opinion.
  • The patient underwent B/L URS &recovered from the symptoms.

Case 4

  • 24 year female with severe abdominal pain was diagnosed to have 2 large right renal calculus(size-2.3*2.0 cm) in our center.
  • she underwent Rt renal PCNL in KG Hospital and recovered.

Timely Stroke Referrals

Stroke Cases

Case 1

  • 32 year male patient came with C/O weakness of right UL & LL with dysarthria for 30 minutes.
  • Vitals- BP-180/110 ,HR110/min SPO2-99% in RA. The patient was referred immediately without any delay to KG Hospital.
  • The stroke team was also informed. MRI-Brain showed an Acute lateral medullary infarct which was thrombolysis and the patient regained his normal power back.

Case 2

  • 56y/female with C/O Giddiness associated with weakness of right side since 1 hr.
  • patient shifted to KG Hospital. Imaging showed total occlusion of Left ICA which was managed by thrombolysis and the patient regained normal power.

Case 3

  • 36y/male with Dysarthria & left-sided weakness was referred to KG Hospital and diagnosed as Right MCA infarct and thrombolysis and discharged without any weakness.
  • From January 2024 we transferred 9 CVA cases and 6 seizure cases to KG Hospital.

Cardiac Cases

From Jan – June 24 we safely transferred 29 cardiac cases after stabilizing

  • 46y/female came with palpitations for 30 minutes.HR-220/min.
  • ECG showing SVT and it was reverted in our center with Inj.
  • Adenosine and the patient were observed in the ER for two hours and discharged after getting the cardiologist’s opinion.
  • Till now we treated & discharged 3 SVT patients in our center.

Trauma Cases

Totally around 29 RTA cases of various types of injuries which includes 5 head injuries transferred to KG Hospital from Jan – June 2024.

Minor surgical procedures(ie- Suturing, wound dressing, I&D, etc) and orthopedic procedures(ie-POP application, reduction of dislocation, etc) are routinely carried out in our center.